A new cancer

The recent vote to defund Planned Parenthood is interesting because most of what Planned Parenthood does is prevent unwanted pregnancy and provide care to pregnant women.

It seems that some of our representatives in Congress and others in our State legislatures want more unwanted pregnancies, carried to term. Meanwhile, the same people attack the social safety net (ACA, SNAP, TANF, etc).

Therefore, some of our representatives in Congress and others in our State legislatures want more unwanted pregnancies, carried to term, without prenatal care or support for the children that result. Meanwhile, educational funding in the form of grants is being cut, forcing those who seek higher education to rely on loans or forgo education altogether

The same representatives who want to defund Planned Parenthood, repeal the ACA, and slash welfare programs also enact legislation making it more difficult to unionize. These representatives also oppose increasing the minimum wage.

What can this possibly accomplish? A vast underclass that cannot advocate on their own behalf.

I do not think this is a “vast right wing conspiracy,” I think that this is what is happening, perhaps not by design, but through intent. Add to this the prison-industrial complex and the school to prison pipeline as aspects, and we have a situation. Our representatives in Congress and others in our State legislatures are not intentionally doing this, it is happening by accident, due to their policies.

This underclass will have only two choices left: work for corporations that pay the absolute minimum or join the military. Therefore, not by edict, but piece by piece, our representatives in Congress and others in our State Legislatures are trying to abolish the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

Note that our representatives in Congress and others in our State Legislatures have actively campaigned for abolishing the Fourteenth Amendment, on which Roe vs. Wade is based.

Our representatives in Congress, and others in our State Legislatures, are attempting the reinstatement of slavery in this country.